IT that supports the development of your store
We help our customers customize IT solutions to fit the customer’s needs, and not vice versa.
Often, we see too many changes made to internal procedures and workflows just to support a store solution. We do not believe this is the right method.
30 years of experience
We know what we're doing! We have more than 30 years of experience within development of
Total supplier
POS, sales order module, financial module, stock management and webshop.
We have great support. Both in English and in Danish.
99,8% uptime
Almost flawless in operation, so you can conduct your business issueless.
Total supplier of POS - financial - stock og WebShop
Sapera is an online-based point-of-sale, finance, inventory system, and WebShop used in various industries, including businesses with different complexities. But that’s not a problem because Sapera can likely be adapted to your needs and the needs of your industry. People are different – so are businesses. Therefore, the needs of business administrators, accountants, and auditors vary significantly.
The employees are the essential force for sapera.
At Cloud Retail Systems, all our employees are highly valued. It is they who deserve credit for our users’ satisfaction, receiving the support they need, and having their development wishes fulfilled. They are the reason Sapera is on the right track in the world.
At CRS, there is close dialogue between management and employees. This makes it possible to create such a good working environment for employees who are committed and disciplined.
Frequently asked questions
Sapera is a total supplier of inventory systems, financial systems, point-of-sale systems, sales order management, and webshops. The services that you and your company specifically need can be tailored to your requirements during system setup. You can always acquire additional modules that may be useful for you and your business. Just contact our sales department.
Cloud Retail Systems a/s began the development of Sapera back in 2016.